Membership Information
Membership structure
The association has support members, full members and honorary members.
All new members will start as a supporting member and may apply for full membership if the conditions for doing so are met.
Membership fee
60 € / year, joining fee 100 € / new member
During 2023 joining fee is reduced to 50€.
The membership fee is due on January 15 of each year and will be charged for the current year upon joining.
Membership benefits
All FTAA members, including supporting members, become part of the Finnish tattoo culture and benefit from all our membership benefits:
- As a member, you receive support from the association as an entrepreneur
- As a member, you have the opportunity to influence the workings of the association by attending the meetings of the association and taking a stand on the issues discussed there
- We strive to gather as much information as possible about the regulations in the field for both tattoo artists and clients. We want to keep members, in particular, up to date on issues related to the trade
- When you join, we will create IDs that you can use to log in to download the material we provide to you and keep your membership information up to date
- Pyrimme järjestämään vuosittain seminaareja hygieniakäytäntöjen ja tatuointien tekemisen saralla, joihin jäsenet voivat osallistua alennetulla hinnalla
- Liitto voi kysynnän mukaan järjestää myös jäsenten yhteisiä illanistujaisia edistääkseen verkostoitumista ja yhteishenkeä
- As a member of the association, you receive a 25€ giftcard from Nordic Tattoo Supplies at the end of year.
- If you wish, you can make your artist information visible in our member list
Who can join the association?
A tattoo artist can be a be support member if:
- they have sufficient experience in the field (at least one year of working in a studio)
- they have a Finnish business ID
- they have a good reputation
- they operate hygienically and with Customer Safety in mind
- they adhere to the values and rules of the union.
Supporting members can apply for full membership:
- after being a supporting member for at least two years
- after attending at least one meeting of the association
- after attending at least one hygiene seminar.
You can become a full member of the association when you have gained experience in entrepreneurship in the tattoo industry for at least three years and participate in the duties of the association. A supporting member can apply for full membership with a free-form application.
How to become a member?
You can fill in the membership application via the link below. Application form is in Finnish.